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Home Packages Rheumatology Analysis - Sanar Trading Company

Rheumatology Analysis - Sanar Trading Company

Najran St., Dhahrat Laban, Riyadh 13784 - 145KM

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The serum phosphate test measures the amount of inorganic phosphate in your blood plasma (the liquid part of blood). In the body, phosphorus is combined with oxygen to form a variety of phosphates (PO4). Phosphates are vital for energy production, muscle and nerve function, and bone growth.
A uric acid blood test, also known as a serum uric acid measurement, determines how much uric acid is present in your blood. The test can help determine how well your body produces and removes uric acid.
A calcium blood test measures the amount of calcium in your blood. Calcium is one of the most important minerals in your body. You need calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is also essential for proper functioning of your nerves, muscles, and heart.
A rheumatoid factor (RF) test measures the amount of rheumatoid factor (RF) in your blood. Rheumatoid factors are proteins produced by the immune system. Normally, the immune system attacks disease-causing substances like viruses and bacteria.
A magnesium blood test measures the amount of magnesium in your blood. Magnesium is a type of electrolyte. Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that are responsible for many important functions and processes in your body.
The Anti-CCP test is used to detect RA or rheumatoid arthritis. A positive Anti-CCP test is called seropositive rheumatoid arthritis and if it comes out negative, it is called seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. -The test helps doctors to differentiate rheumatoid arthritis from other types of arthritis or joint diseases.
Vitamin D is essential for several reasons, including maintaining healthy bones and teeth. It may also protect against a range of diseases and conditions, such as type 1 diabetes.
A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia.

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