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Home Packages Delta Profile: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - Small Panel (Main Package)

Delta Profile: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - Small Panel (Main Package)

King Abdulaziz Rd, Al Quwaiiyah - 145KM

Package Contains
Protein C and Protein S are glycoproteins, predominantly synthesized in the liver, that are important components of the natural anticoagulant system in the body. They are Vitamin K dependent and serve as essential components in the maintenance of physiologic hemostasis.
The lupus anticoagulant test measures the level of those antibodies in your body. The lupus anticoagulant test is a blood test that checks for antibodies that cause a blood clotting disorder.
Protein C and Protein S are glycoproteins, predominantly synthesized in the liver, that are important components of the natural anticoagulant system in the body. They are Vitamin K dependent and serve as essential components in the maintenance of physiologic hemostasis.

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