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Home Packages Delta Profile: TORCH IgG

Delta Profile: TORCH IgG

Al Shoqiyah, Makkah - 145KM

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The determination of IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii is used to assess the serological status to T. gondii and is indicative of an acute or latent infection. The detection of IgM antibodies to T. gondii indicates an acute, recent or reactivated Toxoplasma infection.
The IgG rubella test is ordered when a woman is pregnant or is planning on becoming pregnant. It is ordered whenever a check for immunity against rubella is required. IgM and IgG rubella tests may be ordered when a pregnant woman has signs and symptoms that may indicate a rubella infection.
CMV is a viral genus that belongs to the group of herpesviruses. Its presence is distributed in all geographical areas and affects all age groups. The diseases it causes can be fatal. As indicated by the name, the virus enlarges the infected cell, giving it its distinctive shape
The test of IgG for the type 2 of herpes virus examines the presence of its antibodies, and what distinguishes these antibodies is that they take a longer time to form, as they appear in most people about 14 days after the onset of symptoms, and they usually remain in the blood long after the infection clears,

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